•All classes running as scheduled.
For Mondays when the Guidlhall is unavailable, our evening classes will be hosted at Hayesfield School, Bath. Hayesfield is split into a Lower School site and Upper School site. Our classes will be hosted in the Main Hall of the Lower School site which is off Brougham Hayes (Not Upper Oldfield Park where the Upper school is).
A map with a marker at the site entrance for parking is here (Click larger map opens to a bigger window):
We have been advised we can park on the tennis courts, turning into the entrance between the big stone walls then down to the left onto the tennis courts. The entrance off Brougham Hayes Road can be found just lower down on the right after the pedestrian crossing when heading down Brougham Hayes road towards the Lower Bristol road. The main hall is a very short walk back out of this entrance, up the roadside pavement and left into the main school building. The hall is marked with a small academic mortarboard on the map above, right near where we have pinned the map.