•All classes running as scheduled.

Terms & Conditions

Data Protection

When you join our classes, or take out membership with us, you consent to your details being stored on a computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We keep a record of full name, e-mail address, postcode and contact telephone number. We send a monthly e-mail newsletter to those who choose not to opt out (if you wish to opt out at any time, you can unsubscribe right away). We do not pass any details to any other parties. We mainly keep these records in order to contact dancers in the event of changes to scheduled teaching (For example, during snow), but also hold them in the event of emergency. Our full website Privacy Policy is here.

Risks & Injury

When you join in one of our classes or events, you agree to only take part in the knowledge that it exposes you to certain risks. Dancing may involve moving the body in different ways, or to a greater or lesser extent than you are used to. If you are in any doubt whether it may be suitable for you, you must consult a medical professional prior to taking part, and follow their recommendation. We are not qualified to give medical advice so are unable to advise you ourselves. By participating in our teaching, classes and events you acknowledge you are aware of the risks involved.

Refunds & Returns

All payments are final and non-refundable. In the very unlikely event that we should have to cancel or change your teaching or event, we would of course offer proportional refund, sometimes as well as an alternative arrangement option.

By joining any of our classes and teaching, you are acknowledging your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.