•All classes running as scheduled.

Dance Classes • Bath • Wiltshire • Trowbridge

Classes are pre-paid half-termly, typically for 5-8 weeks. An Annual Membership is included in any course, or may be purchased separately for other events and private lesson discounts. Please pre-book for all dance classes in advance. Payment is now only online in advance, we cannot accept payment at any venues. Existing members can pay subscriptions by clicking here.

Occasionally our Monday classes are either hosted at the Roman Baths, via the main entrance, or Hayesfield School when the Guildhall is unavailable. Details of how to find the correct hall at Hayesfield school are here.






The Guildhall
Bath BA1 5AW

7-7.50pm Post Beginners Ballroom & Latin ENDS SOON
7-7.50pm Follow-on Post-Beginners Ballroom & Latin STARTS 28th Apr '25



Wesley Road Club
Trowbridge BA14 0AX